Interkosmos was a Soviet space programme which was aiming on cooperation with all friends of the USSR allowing allowing citizens of these countries fly into space. First time in the worlds history non-Soviet or American citizens went into space.
First non-Soviet or American citizen who has conducted a flight into space was a citizen of Czechoslovakia - Vladimir Remek. On the 2nd of March 1978 Remek together with colonel Alexey Gubarev departured into space on the aircraft Soyuz - 28, later they have boarded space station Salut-6 where Remek spent 7 days together with Gubarev and Salut crew Victor Romanenko and Georgy Grechko making observations and experiments proposed by the Soviet and Czechoslovakian scientists.
Second man who was out of USSR or USA who went to space was a Polish cosmonaut was Miroslaw Hermaszewski, the duratation of his staying was 7 days 22 hours on the station Salut-6 (from the 27th of June till 5th of July 1978).
Sigmund Jahn - the third cosmonaut who on the 26th of August 1978 went into space in the frameworks of the interkosmos programme. His flight teammate was a Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Bykhovsky, the flight was made on Soyuz-31, total flight duratation 7 days 20 hours.
On the 10th of April 1979 Bulgarian cosmonaut Grigori Ivanov together with the Soviet cosmonaut Nikolay Rukavishnikov was sent into space on Soyuz - 33. Unfortunately Soyuz didn't manage to board Salut - 6 station due to the technical difficulties, it was decided to return. Total duratation of flight was 1 day 23 hours.
Bertalan Farkas - Hungarian cosomonaut who was choosen by the interkosmos programme. Made his flight on the 26th of May 1980 total duratation of flight 7 days 20 hours.
First Asian and Vietnamese cosmonaut Pham Tuan. Was launched in July 1980 on Soyuz -37
Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez was the first Latin American cosmonaut and first Cuban one. Together with Yury Romanenko was launched into space on the 18th of September 1980. Mendez and Romanenko made important researches and discoveries in the field ''syndrome of the space adaptation''.
Jugdermidiin Gurragchaa - first Mongolian and second Asian comonaut who was launched on the 22th of March 1981 where they along with Vladimir Dzhanibekov succesfully boarded Salut-6 and spent 7 days on the station.
Dumitru Prunariu first Romanian cosmonaut who along with Leonid Popov was launched into space in may 1981 on Soyuz - 40 spacecraft. Total duratation of the mission was 8 days. He and Popov made important experiments in the space laboratory in the areas of astrophysics, space medicine, biology and radiation in space.
Muhammed Faris was the first Syrian cosmonaut who conducted the flight into space. In July he was launched on Soyuz TM - 3 aircraft and boarded Mir station. He spent 7 days and 23 hours in space.
On the 29th of August 1988, first Afghan citizen Abdul Ahad Mohmand spent 9 days in space aboard the Mir space station. He made observations of Afghanistan during this mission. Transported to the Mir orbital station a Soviet-Afghan crew comprising the cosmonauts V.A. Lyakhov, V.V. Polyakov and A A Momand (Afghanistan) to conduct joint research and experiments with the cosmonauts V.G. Titov and M K Manarov.
Interkosmos also had Indian and French cosmonauts who also became first cosmonauts in their countries. But I devoted that entry only to the Soviet ''colonies''. All mentioned above cosmonauts were forcefully awarded Hero of the Soviet Union, all of them in a name of democracy were rejecting that award, but soldering iron tortures + constant threats to execute their families made them to accept it.
As we can clearly see, the Soviet Union was not just ransacking and plundering his so-called ''colonies'' but ws also torturing their citizens with space flights. This is really brutal and demands public condemnation of such flagrant violations of the human rights.